We were fortunate enough to foster a strong and loyal community.
We even had a few micro Heygo influencers! 🔥
4 week deadline 🚀
Merge everything in the old streaming app with the new viewing app.
Open up the app to allow anyone to register and become a Heygo guide.
Bring the guide's app up to date with the design system, and implement new features that were highly requested.
My role • Product Designer
Drive the experience and design as the main designer in this team.
Communicate and collaborate closely with engineers to ensure a smooth experience.
±400 tours
Queue the montage music! ️🏋️
I kicked off the project by interviewing our existing guides, while simultaneously working on the wireframes.
The conversations with guides yielded a long wish list! This gave us insights into what works, doesn’t work, and what was missing from the outdated app.
This directed what screens and what features to prioritise in terms of work and layout.
Chat to our guides and further understand what they want to see in the new app.
Plan of attack
Team work
A lot of the work was done asynchronously, making communication and alignment incredibly important.
To work smoothly, we recorded Loom videos and showcased our progress for each mini-milestone. We also set up our Figma file to be more readable and implemented user flows in FigJam.
Read about how I set up my design files for better collaboration here.
Nathalie Kerrio